Drenthe Periphery “Route 4” Zuidwolde

(66.0 km)

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  • Drenthe Periphery Route 4 starts and ends at Cafetaria Het Busstation in the centre of Zuidwolde. The route has a length of 66 km and passes through Alteveer, Kerkenveld, Elim, Dalerpeel, Coevorden, Zwinderen, Geesbrug, Tiendeveen, Hoogeveen, Fluitenberg and Echten—and back again to Zuidwolde. 

    Its centre a little removed from the route, Coevo…

    Drenthe Periphery Route 4 starts and ends at Cafetaria Het Busstation in the centre of Zuidwolde. The route has a length of 66 km and passes through Alteveer, Kerkenveld, Elim, Dalerpeel, Coevorden, Zwinderen, Geesbrug, Tiendeveen, Hoogeveen, Fluitenberg and Echten—and back again to Zuidwolde. 

    Its centre a little removed from the route, Coevorden is a city with a rich history, which is absolutely worth visiting. It has many historic buildings; most of them from just after 1592. In that year, Prince Maurits freed the city from the Spaniards, who had spent eleven years laying siege to it. Sadly, the departing Spaniards set fire to the entire city, causing almost all buildings from before that time to be destroyed. A part of the historic centre from after this time has remained intact ever since, and has been spectacularly enhanced with matching new buildings. The most impressive structures on the market is theatre De Hofpoort, which also functions as the town hall. Behind it you find a walking bridge towards Coevorden castle, which now serves as a hotel restaurant. The castle dates back to the 11th century but was also rebuilt in the 16th century.

    Other noteworthy sights in the city are the statue of Ganzen Geesje, the Reformed church, grain mill De Arend, Coevorden’s Stedelijk Museum (houses inside several beautiful old warehouses) and amusement park Plopsa Indoor Coevorden.

    Starting points with parking options
    There are multiple starting points for the route where you can park your car. This allows you to start the route from wherever you like. 

    Zuidwolde: Car park Weth. Klunderstraat (200 m)
    Elim: Car park Sporthal De Brug, Zondervanstraat
    Coevorden: Industrial estate Edisonstraat EDS Plein by Aldi (200 m)
    Zwinderen: Brinkweg

    Tiendeveen: Car park Molenweg (200 m)
    Hoogeveen: Car park Middenveldweg
    Fluitenberg: Car park Driehoekskamp (200 m)

    Part of Drenthe Periphery 255 km
    This route is part of the route Drenthe Periphery 255 km, that runs along the border of the province of Drenthe. Within this long route, you can also pick and choose from among ten shorter routes—varying from 55 to 67 kilometres—or two routes of 135 and 170 kilometres.

    Sights on this route

    Starting point: Hoofdstraat 43
    7921 AB Zuidwolde







    This region is described as ‘Siberië’ (Siberia) on old maps. The area probably got that name in the French period because it was remote and deserted.




    End point: Hoofdstraat 43
    7921 AB Zuidwolde


    Starting point: Hoofdstraat 43
    7921 AB Zuidwolde
    • Start: Zuidwolde: Cafeteria Het Busstation
    • CSA through Zuidwolde - ROU TL (Oosterweg) - ROU SA (Oosterweg)
    • Alteveer
    • End of the road TR (Jan Haarstraat) - end of the road TL (Jan Haarstraat)
    • Kerkenveld
    • End of the road TL (Braamburgerweg) - 1st road TR (Gedempte Wijde Wijk) - end of the road TL (Riegshoogtendijk) - 2nd road TR Elim (Carstendijk)
    • Elim
    • CR SA Coevorden
    • Dalerpeel
    • End of the road TR Nieuwe Krim
    • Nieuwe Krim
    • 1st road TL (Nieuwe Dijk) - end of Nieuwe Dijk bicycle path CSA and TL Coevorden
    • Coevorden
    • End of the road TL (Klooster) - end of the road TL - ROU SA (Printer) - after canal to. Zwinderen TL (Ballast) - At T junction after bridge KR Zwinderen (Vossebelt/Loskade) - 2nd bridge TR and after bridge TR to. Dalen (Burg. ten Hoteweg) - 1st road TL (Veenhuizerweg/Nijlandsweg)
    • Zwinderen
    • In front of the bridge TL Geesbrug (Verl. Hoogeveense Vaart)
    • Geesbrug
    • 1st road TR (cross bridge) - after the bridge TL Farmyard Campsite (Verl. Hoogeveense Vaart)
    • Nieuweroord
    • Noordscheschut
    • 1st road TR (Kanaal Oostzijde) - end of the road TL - ROU TR to. Tiendeveen (Molenweg)
    • Tiendeveen
    • 1st bicycle path TL (Siberië) - end of bicycle path SA (Pesserdijk)
    • Hoogeveen
    • End of the road TR (Edisonstraat) - 2x ROU SA Fluitenberg (Middenveldweg)
    • Fluitenberg
    • CSA (Fluitenbergseweg) - end of the road TL (railway) (Ruinerweg)
    • Echten
    • T junction TL (Zuidwolderweg) - 2nd road TR Zuidwolde (Echtenseweg) - after tunnel 2nd road (bicycle path) TR - end of bicycle path TR (Hoogeveenseweg)
    • Zuidwolde
    • End of bicycle path TR (Steenbergen) - end of the road TR (Julianastraat - end of the road TL (Hoofdstraat)
    • Finish: Zuidwolde: Cafeteria Het Busstation

    Legend route description:

    CR = crossroad
    TL = turn left
    KL = keep left
    to. = towards
    TJ = T junction
    TR = turn right
    KR = keep right
    le. = left
    ROU = roundabout
    SA = straight ahead
    CSA = continue straight ahead
    ri. = right
    TrL = traffic light

    End point: Hoofdstraat 43
    7921 AB Zuidwolde